November 19

i Sunday December 1, 2019 by



November 17, 2019 



The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:05 pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Noah.


Board members present: John F., Sarah C., Paul T., Daren G., Jerry H., Noah D., Jean D., Pat B.


Board members absent: Martha D.


Guests: Steve, Adam


Secretary's Report:  Martha was not present but reported via email that she had received no corrections to the October minutes distributed last week.  Daren made a motion to approve the minutes. Paul seconded the motion and the motion passed.  


Treasurer's Report: 

Jerry H had emailed to the Board for review the October Meeting Donation Summary Report, Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Wells Fargo banking statements. Deficit from $1800.00 with the big medallion purchase. There have been some donations that would be pushed into November’s deposits.  The cabinet is full- hasn’t been stocked in over a year.  Paul made a motion to the approve the September financials.  Daren seconded the motion and the motion passed.

  • Pat asked if the whole purchase was in the cabinet.  Yes, all inventory is in the cabinet.
  • Steve- what is the procedure for buying from cabinet?  Give to trusted servant to put into the cabinet or treasurer
  • John- Why do meetings have different medallions than the cabinet? Jerry- all meetings are autonomous.  John- a treasurer has a concern about writing a check from the personal account. He can put cash into the locked cabinet or give to treasurer.  You can also get a money order.  Concern of overdraft and then going out and not coming back.


Visitor Questions & Concerns:

  • Steve would like a key as a back up Trusted Servant. He comes to about 10-12 meetings a week.  Kind of like an ‘On-Call’ Trusted Servant position. 
    • Daren- it’s a meeting issue. Not a Board issue.  If you give it to one, then someone would find out and want a key as well. Where to draw the line?  Jerry, Pat, and Paul concur. 
    • Jean- take the key from the person whom he is covering for.
    • Sarah- Make a position and ‘On-Call’ Trusted Servant
    • Jerry- there is a guy that lives across the parking lot whom could be the ‘On-Call’
    • Board voted- denied Steve a key



Committee Reports

  • Literature and Medallions (Daren)- Out of soft books- but we are good.
  • Facility Maintenance (Pat)- Put blinds up in the main room, paper up in the bathroom.  Jerry will talk to Dan.
  • Publications & Public Relations (John)- (please change for John)
  • Supplies (Paul)- Nothing to note.  Sarah will meet up with Paul a week or a day before to give him a check for supplies.
  • House Security (Noah)
    • Need John and Phil’s key.  Jerry has Phil’s keys in his car and will give them to Noah.
    • Daren- is there a risk?  Should we re-key?
      • Noah- Code?  No.  John is a limited risk.
  • Daren made a motion to write off John’s key- Jean seconded- motion passed
  • Security Committee- the leader went AWOL.  Jean let people know they need another female leader.  Jean will talk to the (2) females to see if there is another leader that will step in.  Jean will update next month. Jean will pass along the approval of the Safety Committee statement.
  • Note to check upstairs is coming.


Old Business

  • Church: Signed Lease given to Sarah.  electrical (table), sign vendor quote
  • Envelope re-design- Sarah gave to Susan, reminder in cubbies- Jean put in Cubbies
  • Posting of new contacts on back door- Jean and Jerry will be added. No vaping sign, Board list- Jean will do
  • Wells Fargo info on savings acct, CD rates- Sarah did not do
  • Blinds, bathroom window, thermostat programming- done


New Business

  • Review Ops Journal Board role descriptions and update- Table until next month
  • Safety Committee Report from 10/28 meeting- waiting on the notes
  • Steve- Safety Committee is getting negative attention.  Daren- it’s put in place to keep everyone safe.  We do our best.


Motion to close:

A motion to close the meeting was made by Jerry,  Paul seconded the motion and the motion passed.  The meeting closed at 6:20pm with the Lord’s Prayer.


Respectfully submitted,

Sarah C.