February 2021

i Wednesday June 23, 2021 by



February 21, 2021 


The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:03 pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Jean D.


Board members present: Daren G., Pat B., Martha D., Joe H., Noah D., John F,, Jim M., and Jean D.


Board members absent:  Sean M.


Guests:  Bill B., Susan H.


Secretary's Report:  Martha noted that the January Board Meeting minutes had been distributed via email and no necessary corrections had been noted.  Jean motioned to approve the January minutes.   John seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Treasurer's Report:  Jean reviewed the financial documents (January Meeting Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheets and Wells Fargo banking statements).  Jim asked about an earlier discrepancy that had been noted in an email from Advisory Board Member Jerry H. (who had computed the January figures). Jerry had then sent a follow up email saying the discrepancy was corrected for.   Approval of the January financials is tabled until next month so that the discrepancy can be further explained by Jerry H.


Visitor Questions and Concerns:  none


Liability Insurance:   Bill Butler, local insurance agent (Butler and Associates Insurance Agency in Apple Valley), attended the meeting and provided an overview (to accompany the insurance proposal that Martha emailed out today).  He verbally reviewed the proposal; the types of insurance coverage an Alano might want to carry: liability, personal property, theft, and D&O.  He explained that there is no insurance that will cover coverage for COVID-19 related claims.  


Joe asked if there should also be some kind of coverage for sexual harassment claims. 

Daren clarified that we currently have theft and liability coverage, but not D&O coverage.  He noted that it could be advantageous to have all coverage in one place. 

Jim asked if we know what the current liability policy covers, so that our current policy can be directly compared to the Butler and Associates quote.  

Bill noted that, re: general liability coverage, we would need to only cover our bank assets and whatever the Church requires us to have, per our lease.  Daren offered to pull up the actual liability policy, if Jim would like to see it. 

Noah asked re: D&O insurance, does it cover just the judgment --or attorney costs, as well.  Bill noted it covers both. 

Bill noted that the lease itself (which Martha had provided a copy of) doesn’t specify what the coverage needs to be.  

Will take the next month to consider the proposal and proceed next month. 



Committee Reports: 


Literature & Medallions:  Noah reported he completed inventory earlier in February; no current purchasing needs noted.  Noah will assess each Saturday.


Facilities Maintenance:  Pat reported no concerns at this time, other than the House is in need of cleaning. Martha will look at current cleaning list and contact trusted servants of the meetings assigned for cleaning in March.  Will add to the agenda next month: maybe get a cleaning group together – probably needs deeper clean.


Publications & Public Relations:  John noted that last month he ensured the COVID policy statement was up at House, and notes to trusted servant were put in each cubby.


Supplies: Joe reported supplies are in good shape; will check to see if salt should be replenished. 


House Security:  Sean not present. 



Old Business:


House Phone: Daren said CenturyLink could only given an 8-hour service window, so service call was not possible.  At this time, we will continue to occasionally hear background radio noise, but phone is active.


DAS Website donations:  Jim was checking on different options; will check into it further.  Noah noted that it would have to be a secure website if donations were received. Jim has an IT contact he can speak with.  Daren noted that also a 3rd party would be needed for credit card processing. 


Meeting schedules: Martha will run off copies and drop off at the House.


The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer at 5:58 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha D